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«European Journal of Philosophical Research» – philosophy scientific Journal.

E-ISSN 2413-7286

Publication frequency – once a year

Issued from 2014.

1 December 20, 2023

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URL: https://ejpr.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1709740108.pdf
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History of Science

2. Anvar M. Mamadaliev
Vladimir Sergeevich Solov'ev (1853–1900): A Short Biographical Sketch to the 170th Anniversary

European Journal of Philosophical Research. 2023. 10(1): 3-10.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2023.1.3CrossRef

The article is devoted to the 170th anniversary of the Russian philosopher, theologian, mystic and master of literature Vladimir Sergeevich Solov'ev (1853–1900). Both the works of Solov'ev himself and the works of his biographers are used as materials. The research methodology is based on the content analysis method, the biographical method and the synthesis method. Russian writer Vladimir Solov'ev researched the identity and originality of the Russian nation and the Russian state, the problems of philosophical idealism, the influence of religion on the consciousness of Russian subjects and much more. His research interests were extremely wide: he covered issues of philosophy, religion/theology, history, politics, and sociology. Being a master of Russian literature, he often wrote obituaries of famous people, mostly from the creative elite. He was distinguished by a very high intensity of scientific work, sometimes publishing up to several fundamental works a year in advance. He led a generally healthy lifestyle and a very busy work schedule. As a creative person, he also had some atypical predilections for the layman; in particular, people close to Solov'ev blamed his fascination with turpentine for the philosopher's premature death.

URL: https://ejpr.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1709740021.pdf
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3. Sergei N. Nikitin
The Biographical Essay to the 140th Anniversary of the Russian Philosopher and Publicist Ivan Aleksandrovich Il'in (1883–1954)

European Journal of Philosophical Research. 2023. 10(1): 11-17.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2023.1.11CrossRef

The biographical essay is dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the Russian philosopher, thinker, writer, lawyer and publicist Ivan Aleksandrovich Il'in (1883–1954). The philosophical works of Ilyin himself and biographical research about him are used as materials. The methodological complex of the research includes the content analysis method, the biographical method and the synthesis method. Ivan Aleksandrovich Il'in, being a nobleman with Russian-German roots by birth, could not accept the socialist revolution of 1917 and had to emigrate. Il'in was distinguished by exceptional creative activity, having published more than a thousand articles and over fifty monographs. His very categorical theses did not quite correctly give him the reputation of a “Russian fascist”. Russian nationalism or fascism is not traced in Il'in's “Russian idea” (as applied to the ethnic group), but the patriotic idea of a stable Russian statehood based on a common mentality, culture, economic ties, etc. Il'in was an irreconcilable and unyielding thinker, for whom there were no “friends” and “strangers”; for him, expressing thoughts was more important than negative consequences for himself. As for the philosopher's patriotism towards Russia, we are personally convinced of this; however, hatred of socialist ideology, the Soviet regime and unwillingness to join the socialist-built state system forced Il'in to emigrate.

URL: https://ejpr.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1709740058.pdf
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4. Vladimir B. Karataev
To the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Losev Aleksei Fedorovich (1893–1988): Biographical and Scientific Aspects of His Work

European Journal of Philosophical Research. 2023. 10(1): 18-25.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2023.1.18CrossRef

This manuscript was prepared to the 130th anniversary of the birth of the famous Soviet philosopher, antiquarian, historian, philologist Alexei Fedorovich Losev (1893–1988). The material of the work was biographical works, as well as the works of Losev himself. The methods of scientific research include synthesis, content analysis, and biographical analysis. Alexey Fedorovich Losev was distinguished by the breadth of his scientific horizons. In his youth, having come under the influence of N. Berdyaev and P. Florensky, he became a deeply religious man, but in the Soviet state the ideas of his works went against the official ideology, for which the scientist was criminally punished. After being released, he changed his field of scientific interests, defending his doctoral dissertation in philology. His scientific and cultural interests included ancient philosophy, Helleno-Roman aesthetics, terminology of Greek culture, aesthetics of the Antiquity and Renaissance, ancient philosophy of history, ancient mythology, etc. His scientific philological interests included the fields of hermeneutics and semiotics, in particular the theory of language models, the theory of symbols and signs, and some aspects of linguistics. Losev was able to express his philosophical and theosophical ideas only during the period of perestroika. Many of his manuscripts have been preserved and published by A.A. Taho-Godi.

URL: https://ejpr.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1709740092.pdf
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