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«European Journal of Philosophical Research» – философский научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2413-7286

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.

Издается с 2014 года.

1 September 09, 2021


1. Yury D. Granin
Russia is in the Regional Alliances of the Eurasian States. Civilizational Dimension

European Journal of Philosophical Research. 2021. 8(1): 3-13.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2021.1.3CrossRef

The article analyzes the prospects of possible alliances between Russia and the Eurasian states in the context of the formation of new centers of world dynamics, gradually shifting to Asia. This observed change in the geopolitical and geo-economic configuration of the world encourages Russia to turn to the East. But the results of this reversal from Europe to "Greater Eurasia" are not at all obvious. Possible difficulties are determined by the political, economic and civilizational differences of the countries of the Eurasian continent. According to the author, the prospects for an equal partnership between Russia and India and China are connected with the formation of a new model of modernization on its own civilizational basis. So far, the civilizational model of the development of the Russian Federation is heterogeneous. And this fact is beyond the attention of the ruling and intellectual elites of the country. Currently, the Russian Center for Strategic Research (RCC), supervised by Alexey Kudrin, is proposed to abandon the "comprehensive modernization program" and focus on the formation of new development institutions: the so-called "transitional institutions", designed to ensure the transformation of the "natural state" into the "state of open access" to political and economic resources. This is important, but not enough. In addition to the development of new rules (institutions) of social and public administration, a great deal of cultural and ideological work is needed to update the value and semantic framework of Russia, to fill it with new meanings.

URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1631203241.pdf
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2. Natalya N. Rostova
Philosophical Criticism of the Ideas of Transhumanism

European Journal of Philosophical Research. 2021. 8(1): 14-21.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2021.1.14CrossRef

The article examines the philosophical foundations of the key ideas of transhumanism. According to the author, transhumanism is based on a fundamental misconception that is found in the thesis about overcoming a human and expanding his abilities. As shown in the article, this thesis involves the use of a subject language to describe a human. Resorting to it, transhumanism deals with the non-human in human, which determines the whole variety of his private initiatives. The article proposes to identify three basic ideas that this diversity is reduced to, namely: the ideas of emotional isolation, increasing degrees of freedom and liberation of a person from the body. The study is conditionally divided into three parts, each of which is devoted to a detailed analysis of the designated ideas. Turning to the strategy of emotional isolation, the author comes to the conclusion that transhumanism claims to eliminate the possibilities of establishing direct emotional connections in our world, which are the basis of any action that we call human. The tools of such isolation are technologies, legislative acts, but, mainly, a change in the mode of our perception of ourselves, when we agree to outsource what is the essence of human. Analyzing the idea of increasing degrees of freedom put forward by transhumanism, the author shows that it is based on the rejection of the anthropological grounds by which a person keeps himself in consciousness. Exploring projects aimed at freeing a human from the limitations of the body, the author shows that they are based on a reductionist understanding of consciousness, thinking and communication. A human is reduced to algorithmized information.

URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1631203365.pdf
Number of views: 172      Download in PDF

3. Elena A. Volodarskaya
Modern Dynamics of the Categorical Field of Organizational Psychology

European Journal of Philosophical Research. 2021. 8(1): 22-26.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2021.1.22CrossRef

The article deals with the problem of the dynamics of the subject field of organizational psychology as an independent science. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary nature of the categorical core of this young science. It substantiates the need of using an integrative approach to the analysis of psychological phenomena included both in the problem area of organizational psychology and related socio-humanitarian disciplines. It is noted that the applied nature of organizational psychology again raises the question of the subject and tasks of this area of knowledge based on the interdisciplinary nature of the research subject, as well as in connection with the dynamism and variability of the types of organizations, the diversity of which affects the behavior of an employee in the organization, his mental characteristics of the personality of a professional. As an example of considering traditional phenomena at a new level of organizational change, the phenomenon of personality responsiveness, transferred to the organizational behavior of a leader, is given. The approaches to the analysis of this phenomenon in the context of organization management are given, in particular, based on identifying the personality traits of a leader and his management values. New tasks in teaching organizational psychology are highlighted in order to develop a holistic organizational and psychological view of the problems of functioning of an integral subject of a professional group (organization) in young generations with an emphasis on solving issues of organizational behavior of an employee in the context of his professional activity, based on the unique capabilities of organizational psychology.

URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1631203399.pdf
Number of views: 168      Download in PDF

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URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1631203411.pdf
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