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2 June 04, 2015

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URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1433432842.pdf
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Articles and Statements

2. Oleg E. Baksanskii, Olga G. Safonicheva
Philosophical and Methodological Principles of Inclusive Training

European Journal of Philosophical Research, 2015, Vol. (4), Is. 2, pp. 56-65.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2015.4.56CrossRef

Now there is the increasing complication of educational tasks as educational process is entered by all children without exception and even what were considered as "not trainees" earlier. Therefore studying of mechanisms of violation of intellectual development of the children who are trained at boarding schools and also development of additional medical, psychological and pedagogical methods for assistance to these children in restoration of mental and physical health, increase of productivity of training, definition of their further social route and adaptation to modern society is actual medical-psychological-social problem. Poor progress – the difficult and many-sided phenomenon of school reality which is shown discrepancy of training of pupils to obligatory requirements of school in assimilation of knowledge, developments of skills, formations of experience of creative activity and good breeding of the informative relations.

URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1433432553.pdf
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3. Fedor I. Girenok
Godard about a Dilemma of the Person: to Live or to Tell

European Journal of Philosophical Research, 2015, Vol. (4), Is. 2, pp. 66-71.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2015.4.66CrossRef

In article Godard's movie "Farewell, the speech" is analyzed. The philosophy of the movie of Godard is constructed on opposition imagined and real. For Godard the reality is only an substantiated illusion, visibility. It is necessary to remove visible, he believes, but not real. Godard's movie fixes that in the modern world everything moved, displaced. In this world tell, but don't live. Godard shoots film not to tell stories and to release imagined from language. According to the author of article, it is impossible to tell, about what Godard's movie. In it one casual subject is replaced another. In Godard's movie there are three heroes – a dog, the man and the woman. The relations between the man and the woman in the modern world are that that it is difficult for them to understand each other without translator. The image of a dog conducts us in the kinizm, to return to the nature. Godard's movie leads the author to three conclusions. First, the European philosophy didn't understand that the person is not the nature, though it and a body, but it and not society though he also is able to speak. The person is a body for dreams. Therefore it can't return to the nature because the nature doesn't dream. Secondly, having got rid of the speech, we will find the fury of self-airs of the person unacceptable collective sensuality. And the last, Godard is right when says that only people can be strangers each other because they are free.

URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1433432622.pdf
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4. Sergey A. Lebedev
Axiomatic and Genetic-Construction Methods of Theoretical Cognition: Comparative Analysis

European Journal of Philosophical Research, 2015, Vol. (4), Is. 2, pp. 72-82.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2015.4.72CrossRef

Not only in the various sciences, but in the same using there are different methods of constructing its theories. Partly this is due to the subject of science, but also the commitment of the scientist to a particular research tradition. For example, when building theories in mathematics and logic of using three different methods: the axiomatic method, the formalization and the method of mathematical induction. In the natural sciences in constructing theories are also different, but other than mathematics methods. This genetically-constructive method, mathematical hypothesis, thought experiment, method of principles, etc. In the socio-humanitarian sciences in constructing theories, use methods such as a method of rational reconstruction of the object (the unity of the logical and historical), mathematical modelling, the dialectical method. While there is no rigid connection of the different methods of constructing scientific theories from relevant areas of science (mathematics, natural science, humanities and social sciences, technical sciences). The same methods can be applied in different fields of science. For example, the method of mathematical modeling and thought experiment was originally used only when building physical theories (classical mechanics, molecular-kinetic theory of gases, the theory of relativity, etc.). Today these methods are successfully used in constructing theories in humanities and social sciences (psychology, economics, sociology, logic, linguistics, etc.). On the other hand, in the modern natural sciences in constructing theories increasingly used methods that were previously used in humanities and social sciences. It's such method as a method of rational reconstruction of developing objects, the method of ascent from the abstract knowledge to concrete knowledge. These methods are used, for example, when constructing such theories of natural science as the theory of Big Bang in cosmology (the modern theory of the origin and evolution of the Universe), theories in synergetics, ecology, soil science, evolutionary chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, genetics, theory of evolution of species, and others. From all the above makes it clear conclusion: methods for constructing scientific theories are relatively independent of the studied objects and define them only partially. Below we will show this in relation to two fundamental methods of theoretical knowledge: axiomatic and genetically-constructive. The article will be a comparative analysis of features and cognitive capabilities of each of these methods.

URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1433432682.pdf
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5. Dmitry E. Muza, Ekaterina B. Ilyanovich
Homo Matrix: to Audit the Problems of Culture Subjectivity of Information Society

European Journal of Philosophical Research, 2015, Vol. (4), Is. 2, pp. 83-89.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2015.4.83CrossRef

The article deals with the problem of culture subjectivity of information society, which arose as a result of transformations of functional-subject onto-structure of industrial-type of society and its replacement of information processes stochastics, that substantiate new sociality and culture. According to the hypothesis of the authors, information modus vivendi creates a narrow corridor of anthropological features, including through inadequate procedures of cultural coding, but opens the wide corridor of anthropological mutation. In particular, firstly this conclusion is based on a critical understanding of the current position of the theorists of the information trend – Jean Baudrillard, M. Castells, A. Bard, J. Zoderkvist, K.V. Silchёnok, R. Florida, G. Lanir; secondly – on the postmodernists presentation of the renouncing-tree hierarchical structure underlying the former cultural theory and practice, and its replacement by «a thousand plateaus» (G. Deleuze and Felix Guattari), «garden of forking paths» (J.L. Borges) or «Labyrinth» (Umberto Eco). Following the image of «nothing cyborg superman», the authors show that before our contemporaries arose double idyll, which carries the: a) beyond constructiveness information flows and media forms principle, which is much more ambitiously than the previous semiotic-semantic means activates the potential of human nature; b) the principle of emergence, i.e., the collective consciousness, the noosphere, or singularity, generated by the World Wide Web users. Not sharing these illusions addressed to homo Matrix, and all firmly established in the public mind, the authors expressed relevant counterarguments: 1) because the value of the property has «a limited variety» (A.D. Ursul), then the task of the subject of culture (and the culture itself) is full participation in limiting excessive, destructive and information-noise diversity; Cherished singularity implies physical destruction of people (the annihilation of mankind, although involves uploading their consciousness’s in Matrix; 3) are homo Matrix will have to enjoy the «eternal present», which mix all cultural codes, sometimes dreaming of new super reality, where there is a one code, which generates post humanist cultural (?) holism without soul and body, high and low, moral choice between good and evil, between values and anti-values. That prospect seems unacceptable to reviewers.

URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1433432758.pdf
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6. Natalya N. Rostova
Immanentizm in Art

European Journal of Philosophical Research, 2015, Vol. (4), Is. 2, pp. 90-96.
DOI: 10.13187/ejpr.2015.4.90CrossRef

In article the philosophical and anthropological analysis of pictures of A. Lentulov and Zh.-L. Godard's movie "Farewell, the speech" is carried out. According to the author of article, work this artists are united by immanentizm philosophy. The discourse of an immanentizm excludes concept transcendental and, as a result, binary oppositions and hierarchies. It is a discourse of equality which, according to Foucault, resist to the former discourse of fascism based on the absolute of truth. A measure of authenticity and a source of creativity for it is not something on that party of a body, but a body. The author comes to a conclusion that the discourse of an immanentizm is fraught with anthropological reductions. Within his people essentially we won't distinguish from things of the world. Thus the author notices the duality of creativity of Lentulov peculiar in general to the Russian art tradition. On the one hand, the artist gravitates to the western tradition moving on the way of the immanentization of the person replacing sharp ontologic oppositions transcendental and immanetny with the sluggish oppositions of a body and an organism, elements and society, sacral and profanny finding themselves within an immanention. On the other hand, Lentulov is a researcher of sources of painting and consciousness. What costs on the line between an icon and "A black square" on which it is continuously possible to pass from subjectivity to God. In Godard's movie, on the contrary, the author sees resolute "yes" to an immanentizm of the European culture.

URL: http://ejournal17.com/journals_n/1433432817.pdf
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